Blockbuster season seems to kick off earlier and earlier each year, with more and more films looking for box office success outside of the heavily competitive summer months. In 2017, the first major tentpole comes as early as March 3rd in the form of Logan, Hugh Jackman’s much anticipated, R-rated final go round as Wolverine.

It’s not just first though, but also one of the most interesting films coming this year. The first trailer, released in October, was remarkable for its completely un-superhero feel - it looks more in keeping with arthouse pictures than any of the other X-Men movies - and mature approach to the mentally scarred immortal. Since then, everybody’s been waiting with bated breath for another look. It’s fair to say it’s been a long wait; a second trailer was rated back in December and rumored to be coming in mid-January, but this never came to pass.

According to Fox Tawian (hat tip to Trailer Track) that next trailer’s going to finally drop this Thursday, theorized to be at the typical time of 6am PT/9am ET/2pm UK. This would coincide with the embargo lifting on the forty minute preview of the film shown at a special Fox event back in December (which Screen Rant was in attendance for), so this seems like the safe bet.

That we’ve only had one trailer for a film that’s out in less than two months is definitely strange - by this point most tentpole releases are spamming us with reveal-heavy TV spots - but the lack of footage hasn’t hurt hype for Logan at all; Fox has let the first trailer do the talking, and it’s quite a striking message. Fitting of the restrained, organic marketing approach so far, Trailer Track has named the upcoming teaser the “Final Trailer”, although don’t be surprised if some international variants pop up afterwards.

As for what we can expect in the new trailer, the biggest thing would be some elaboration on the plot. The first teaser was heavy on tone, but had very little about the adventure Logan, mentor Professor X and ward X-23 will be going on, nor quite how the movie’s villains fit into it (Richard E. Grant’s Dr. Zander Rice doesn’t even appear). Jackman shared an official synopsis the other day, so we can fairly expect the details from that to be elaborated on.

Over the past few weeks, Jackman and director James Mangold have stoked excitement with a competition involving postcard frames from the trailer, and for those wanting to get a proper taste of the new footage before the trailer’s premiere, subreddit 1974FramesOfLogan has been compiling all of the postcards from the competition. There’s only a handful accounted for so far, but as more are sent out they will provide a better idea of the characters and sequences featured in the trailer.

Source: Fox Tawian (via Trailer Track)

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