The Fight Club movie managed to make an even bigger pop culture impact than Chuck Palahniuk’s novel (getting director David Fincher to adapt it will get that kind of result). But where the Fight Club movie ended the story of the Narrator and Tyler Durden with a note of finality, Palahniuk has kept the story rolling–into Dark Horse graphic novels. And with Fight Club 3, the world is finally going to meet… Tyler Durden’s son.

As the sequel number suggests, Fight Club 3 is following largely where Fight Club 2 left off. A decade on from the events of the original novel and film, the Narrator–now going by the name “Balthazar”–is navigating through a new world, seemingly being taken over by a successor to Tyler’s paramilitary terrorist group. As our preview of Fight Club 3 #1 shows, Balthazar is still struggling to make it for himself, his wife Marla, their son and baby on the way. A baby he believes is his… but whose real father is returning once again.

Along with these preview pages comes a look at Dark Horse’s ComicsPro Variant Cover to Issue #1, leaving little doubt about who is calling the shots for Balthazar. Take a look at the preview pages embedded below:

The first preview pages gives a glimpse of the world that follows the ending of Fight Club 2. With Tyler’s terrorist plot to destroy the face of the Earth through nuclear means–a plan which was eventually thwarted, at least in part–a new group of armed men have seemingly stepped in to establish a new structure. But judging by said enforcers’ willingness to drag an innocent(?) man to his apparent doom, things haven’t necessarily gotten better. Definitely not for Marla, with the preview ending as Tyler reasserts himself to be unfaithful (even if she has apparently decided to give birth to Tyler’s son). Fans know how Tyler Durden has handled himself in the past, but fatherhood?

To see what Palahniuk and his reunited comic book team have in store, fans will need to pick up the first issue for themselves. Until then, read on for the full synopsis and details below:

  • FIGHT CLUB 3 (2019) #1 Published: January 30th, 2019 Writer: Chuck Palahniuk Art: Cameron Stewart Color: McCaig Cover: David Mack Marla Singer is about to deliver her second child, but the daddy isn’t her husband–it’s Tyler Durden, who’s very invested in his heir, and the world he’ll inherit. Marla, her first son, and her husband–the unnamed narrator in the novel, who now goes by Balthazar–live in a rundown motel with sketchy neighbors. In the FIGHT CLUB 2 graphic novel, Tyler transformed Project Mayhem into Rize or Die–now, as a road to paradise presents itself, a new group has implemented a ruthless and deviant plan to fine-tune mankind, leading Balthazar to forge an unlikely alliance . . . with Tyler Durden.

Fight Club 3 #1 is available now from Dark Horse.

MORE: 15 Awesome Things You Didn’t Know About Fight Club