The characters in Fate: The Winx Saga differ phenomenally from their animated versions. The show bears little resemblance to its predecessor, but those who watched the cartoon can appreciate the unique spin on Fate and the more developed, older feeling characters.

These new versions of the characters bring something fresh to show, and they can be sorted into their Hogwarts Houses based on their personalities.

Updates on September 28th, 2022 by Amanda Bruce: Alfea might not have a sorting hat to divide its fairies and specialists into different houses, and the elemental magic of the fairies definitely doesn’t fall along house lines. That means that people with different specialties could have ended up in the same houses if Alfea was more like Harry Potter’s Hogwarts. With new characters in Season 2, another round with the sorting hat is needed.

Warning: The following contains spoilers for Fate: The Winx Saga Season 2.

Flora: Gryffindor

Flora is all about taking action. If she sees a problem, she wants to solve it. The trouble is, she wants to solve it immediately. That rush to action, following her instincts, is right in line with those of Gryffindor.

Flora also makes an incredibly Gryffindor move when she opts to inject herself with poison and use her magic so that the creatures siphoning magic from fairies will only target her, leaving the rest of the school safe. She uses herself as bait knowing she could lose her magic permanently - or even die - to save the school.

Rosalind: Slytherin

Rosalind always claims that she’s doing the right thing. She firmly believes that every bad action she takes and every secret she keeps is for the good of the fairies as a whole. Rosalind also, however, takes all of these actions to make sure she maintains her own power.

Power, secrecy, and cunning plans are all hallmarks of a Slytherin. Rosalind’s endgame is to start a war to unite the fairies against the blood witches. While that might have kept her in power if her plan had succeeded, if she wasn’t so prejudiced against the different magic users to begin with, her plan wouldn’t have been needed at all.

Farah: Ravenclaw

When Farah Dowling is the headmistress of Alfea, she inspires a lot of loyalty in her students. Her knowledge of the magical world is nearly unmatched. Her reputation as a scholar precedes her, and Aisha even longs to apprentice under her and take over her position one day in the distant future.

Farah might not seem like a typical Ravenclaw because she has very specific methods that she teaches her students, but the methods she teaches are the ones she thinks are the most helpful. Her desire isn’t just to allow them to pursue knowledge, but to do it safely.

Grey: Hufflepuff

It can be strange to think of a Hufflepuff as someone who would lie and betray someone they care about. Grey, however, doesn’t want to lie to Aisha. He sees it as a necessary thing in order to maintain loyalty to his family.

Grey does embody the loyalty of a Hufflepuff when it comes to the blood witches, but when he sees how far Sebastian’s cruelty can go, he saves Sky’s life, and he doesn’t stop Aisha and her friends from fighting Sebastian.

Sebastian: Slytherin

Sebastian is a lot like Rosalind in his quest for power and control. The difference is he’s on the opposite side of the fight. He grows to become a leader among the blood witches, selling them on a scheme of revenge which is really just a path to power for himself.

Sebastian methodically creates a plan that involves ancient rituals and siphoning magic from fairies. Every fairy’s magic he siphons becomes his own, making him one of the most powerful people in the fairy world.

Musa: Ravenclaw

Musa is easily one of the smartest characters of the bunch simply because she has the most common sense. Like most Ravenclaws, her creativity is a defining characteristic, and she’s very in tune with her surroundings. This is due partially to the fact that she’s an empath and can pick up on everyone’s emotions.

Musa’s skills go beyond just feeling what others feel, and she has learned to decipher what those feelings could mean. But, for some reason, the other Winx girls don’t seem to pick up on how intelligent Musa is.

Beatrix: Slytherin

There was never any question that Beatrix is a Slytherin, but it has nothing to do with the bad reputation both Beatrix and Slytherins have. Many people associate being a Slytherin with being an antagonist, or even evil, which is similar to how everyone viewed her.

However, they’re wrong on both accounts. Beatrix is a natural leader who people find easy to follow. Even Riven, a character who was determined to forge his own path, fell in line with her. Beatrix’s resourcefulness helps her accomplish her goals, which usually aren’t as bad as everyone thinks.

Stella: Slytherin

Self-preservation is one of Slytherin’s most note-worthy traits, and it fits Stella perfectly. One can be cautious and caring, but from what we’ve seen so far, that’s not Stella. She’s been out for herself since day one, and while she has been through a lot, it doesn’t excuse the way she treats the people around her.

Stella blows off her roommates and has an ulterior motive for almost everything she does. She’s not a bad person, and she helps Bloom in the end, but she could learn to treat people a lot better.

Sky: Gryffindor

Bravery is in Sky’s DNA. Never once do viewers see him weighing how dangerous a situation could be. If something needs to be done, he does it.

When Silva, the closest thing he has to a father, is infected by a Burned One, he heads to the forest to kill it and cure him. No matter how many people tell Sky not to do something, he doesn’t listen. Gryffindor’s aren’t just bold, they’re also stubborn when they think they’re right.

Aisha: Ravenclaw

Aisha is interested in her studies and cares a lot about the things going on around her. Her curiosity always wins out, despite trying to fight it, making her a Ravenclaw.

Ravenclaws also have a more pragmatic approach to life, which can be seen in Aisha, as sometimes she makes choices that though unpopular are the right ones.

Bloom: Gryffindor

Bloom is the epitome of a Gryffindor. Not only does she match the main qualities of the house, but she has the same corresponding element. Bloom is an extremely powerful fairy who can control fire, which goes right along with her fiery personality.

She’s bold, sometimes to a fault, and charges into danger without a second thought. Bloom cares about the people around her and goes out of her way for anyone who needs a helping hand.

Terra: Hufflepuff

Like Bloom, Terra’s element is the same as the one associated with her Hogwarts house. She’s all about loyalty and friendship, which was made clear when Dane, who she thought was her friend, turned on her.

When Terra thinks one of the suitemates is in trouble, she’s the first to find a way to help. She became attached to the Winx girls the moment she met them, and she wants them to care about her as much as she cares about them.

Dane: Hufflepuff

Dane is more of a follower than a leader. He is often stuck between doing the right thing and giving into peer pressure. His feelings for Riven and his need for acceptance make it difficult for him to blaze his own trail.

His dedication to Riven and Beatrix fuels all of his actions, similar to how most Hufflepuffs operate off of loyalty and connection.

Riven: Slytherin

Riven is probably one of the characters most similar to their animated self. He’s just as cunning, if not more so than he is in The Winx Club, and he’s miserable at Alfea.

Riven never lets people know what’s on his mind, which is why he was particularly angry when Musa used her powers to read it. As most Slytherins do, he sees emotions as a sign of weakness. However, he feels things more powerfully than anyone, which could be a strength if he stopped seeing genuine affection as something to be ashamed of.

Sam: Hufflepuff

It’s no surprise that Sam is a Hufflepuff like his sister. They share the same element and they’re similar in all the ways that matter. Sam is gentle, patient, and has no problem taking his relationship with Musa at whatever speed she’s comfortable with.

There’s still a lot to learn about him outside of his family and his romance, but Fate has made it obvious that Sam is a kind person with good intentions. He’s dedicated to furthering his abilities and makes sure he does so in the most productive way possible.