FX’s anthology series, Fargo, which is loosely based on the Coen brothers film of the same name, has come in for major critical acclaim during its previous two seasons. From the violent, dark humor, expressed through excellent writing, to the outstanding performances from its A-list cast, Fargo has managed to consistently deliver and therefore it is with good reason that hopes are set so high for season three.

Staring Ewan McGregor as warring brothers, Fargo’s third season once again changes its time setting, jumping to 2010 after the ’70s setting of its second season. Filming in Calgary wrapped some time ago, but while a tentative air date of April has been rumored, nothing has been confirmed until now. With the release of a full synopsis, FX have confirmed that Fargo season three will start airing on Wednesday, April 19.

The full synopsis for Fargo season 3 is also now available (see below):

The synopsis does sound as though Fargo will once again follow the same premise; regular guy gets involved in something he can’t handle, and things escalate at a rapid pace. This time, though, it’s not quite so dramatic as driving home with a dead body on your windshield, as Kirsten Dunst did in season 2. That said, the fact that the sibling rivalry between Ray and Emmit “soon leads to murder” would hint that the heavy, gory violence associated with Fargo will soon surface, as will the dark humor, no doubt.

Set in 2010, the third installment of Fargo centers on Emmit and his slightly younger brother Ray Stussy (Ewan McGregor). Emmit, the Parking Lot King of Minnesota, sees himself as an American success story, whereas Ray is more of a cautionary tale. Forever living in his more successful brother’s shadow, Ray is a balding and pot-bellied parole officer with a huge chip on his shoulder about the hand he’s been dealt – and he blames his brother. Their sibling rivalry follows a twisted path that begins with petty theft but soon leads to murder, mobsters and cut-throat competitive bridge. Carrie Coon stars as “Gloria Burgle,” the steady chief of the local police department. A newly divorced mother, Gloria is trying to understand the new world around her, where people connect more intimately with their phones than with the people around them. Mary Elizabeth Winstead stars as Ray’s girlfriend, Nikki Swango, a crafty and alluring recent parolee with a passion for competitive bridge. David Thewlis stars as V.M. Vargas, a mysterious loner and true capitalist whose bosses plan to partner with Emmit, whether The Parking Lot King likes it or not.

It will be intriguing to see McGregor playing opposite himself as brothers (not twins), and certainly fascinating to see whether an audience really can forget that he’s playing both parts. Winstead’s obsession with competitive bridge sounds fun, but no doubt it will lead to more than a few altercations, and Coon’s character appears to be the good cop (literally) in all of this, rather like Allison Tolman or Patrick Wilson’s roles in Fargo seasons one and two. As for Thewlis; who doesn’t want the opportunity to see him playing a mysterious and powerful villain?

What is not known, is how season three will connect to the previous two seasons, other than the location setting. Tolman’s Molly and Keith Carradine’s Lou were a big part of season one, while in season two, owing to the time hop, Molly was a child, and her dad, Lou (Wilson) was busy chasing the criminals. This time, Fargo season three is set thirteen years after season one, so there is, theoretically, the potential for some of those characters to reappear.

Fargo season 3 premieres on FX on Wednesday, April 19 at 10 PM ET/PT.

Source: FX