Ahead of the highly anticipated release of Fallout 4 on November 10th, Bethesda, the company behind the game, has released a new app called Fallout C.H.A.T. While it’s not an actual messaging app, or even an actual keyboard, it’s a neat way for fans of the popular Fallout series to communicate with one another.

C.H.A.T. stands for Communications Hub and Transmitter and the app itself consists of 60 different emoji characters and animated GIFs featuring the Vault Boy character. Users of the app can build their message within C.H.A.T., then export it to the communication app of their choosing as an image. In addition to choosing emoji and GIFs to send, users can also add text via a standard keyboard.

While it’s not the most seamless experience to have to share your message as an image, it’s definitely a unique and fun way for fans of Fallout to communicate. The app is also free to download on the App Store.

Back in June, Fallout Shelter was released on iOS as a free download. The basic idea of the app is to build yourself a subterranean paradise in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Fallout 4 is slated to be released for PS4, Xbox One, and PC on November 10th.