With the upcoming Wastelanders update, Bethesda will finally get around to addressing one of the primary complaints surrounding Fallout 76: a lack of human NPCs. While the lack of humans in Appalachia made sense at the start, with the Scorched plague ravaging the area and driving those who remained human elsewhere, new info about the Fallout 76 Wastelanders update explains how people will fit into the game now that a vaccine exists for the plague.

Ever since the game released, the world has felt empty. While that was understandably the point, many felt that a lack of “human” interaction that didn’t come from other players or holotapes took away from the experience. But with the region much safer for human habitation, it makes sense that people have begun to come back to what’s left of West Virginia.

Fallout 76 Wastelanders Release Date

The mystery surrounding Fallout 76 Wastelanders’ release date has been a source of frustration for many. Bethesda initially planned its release - the first major update since the Nuclear Winter battle royale mode and the first main game update in quite some time - for late 2019. Unfortunately, they announced that the release was delayed until the first quarter of 2020.

This delay angered many wastelanders who have become disillusioned with the lack of updates and the addition of “pay to win” features like repair kits that can be used in the field and Fallout 1st, which locks private worlds, unlimited scrap storage, and more behind a fairly expensive paywall.

The most recent Fallout 76 Wastelanders release date info from Bethesda is that it is coming “soon.” “Soon” has traditionally been a pretty malleable term where Fallout 76 is concerned, so “don’t hold your breath” might apply here. However, as Bethesda has begun to slow-release Wastelanders information, it is possible that we’ll learn more within the next couple of months.

Fallout 76 Wastelanders Info: Human NPCs and More

As we mentioned, Fallout 76 Wastelanders marks the return of human NPCs to Appalachia. While the game is still plagued with bugs that have existed since launch, the new update (which is mercifully not locked behind a paywall) shows some promise.

The Fallout 76 Wastelanders update will bring with it new main story quests, new locations, and actual consequences for your choices in the game - a hallmark feature that was previously missing from the game. And, of course, you’ll find humans with whom you can interact. This provides a nice break from talking to machines and the occasional Super Mutant (or the only Super Mutant who isn’t trying to kill you, anyway). Despite the numerous issues that have plagued the game since its launch, new Fallout 76 Wastelanders info reveals a pretty exciting experience inside the sprawling Watoga Underground.

Welcome to the Watoga Underground

Watoga was designed as the “City of the Future” where, as Bethesda puts it, “streets are clear of illegally parked automobiles, traffic, and hit-and-run accidents.” Residents could park their cars in any of the garages you have probably seen around the city and they would be stored underground until they picked up their vehicles. You could also have maintenance performed, you car detailed, or even buy a new one without ever dealing with a salesperson.

Obviously, you can’t do any of that anymore. You can visit the Underground, which offers “a number of convenient services like fast dining, relaxation, a pharmacy,” and more. And from the looks of things, you will probably encounter a raider or 300. But let’s face it – you probably miss those bloodthirsty (and human) folks by now.

As Fallout 76 Wastelanders info becomes more available, this free update seems to have a lot of potential, and could mark a turning point for a game plagued with bugs, cheating, and other issues.

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