Fallout is a series of post-apocalyptic action role-playing game that is developed by Bethesda Softworks. Fallout 76 is the latest addition in the series Fallout series and is available for all major platforms, including Microsoft Windows, Xbox One and Play Station 4. After its release in 2018, it received widespread acclamation for good graphics and a eat questline. But also received negative reviews due to lack of Non-Playing Characters in the game and the lack of support that other developers did provide with their game.

The first most thing that disturbed us with the game was it did not have any guide to follow up the storyline. And after the release of this game, it had many bugs that went on to improve as the game does not feature a guideline for its latest update that is Waste Landers. We decided to help out our users by proving a complete game walkthrough that will help them to complete the missions without roaming here and there. So that they can enjoy, let’s start the walkthrough.

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Complete Game Walkthrough

Now we are going to provide a complete game walkthrough that will help to play the game lot more easily without trenching your mind too much. Our guide is straightforward to understand, and here we don’t warn users not to do anything extra since its your game, and you can enjoy whatever you like. Also, we will give the complete walkthrough that will help you in New Arrivals, The Elusive Crane, Here to Stay, Strange Bedfellows, and Hunter for Hire. So let’s get started.

New Arrivals

This is where the game starts, so first, you have to listen to the Overseers radio broadcast and then talk to him. Then you need to complete the Bedfellows mission that we will discuss later. Then go and meet the Overseer at the Kanawha Nuka Cola Point. Here check the reactor in the plant and also check the flavor lab. You need to deliberate the flavor sequencer until then you have to protect the Overseer from Non-Playing Characters. Then power the couplings that power the lab and the plant and, at last, initiate the manufacturing process. In the end, you will get an immunity drug called inoculation, and you have to deliver that to Meg and Paige. Now after completing the move on to the next mission.

Here to Stay

Now in the next part of the quest, you have to meet a Settler leader and then find Aubrie in the observation Camp. To find the Aubrie, you have to search for clues in the camp. Then talk to Aubrie and, at last, meet Paige, who you have the inoculation the previous mission. Now move on to the next part.

Strange Bedfellows

Here you have to talk with Rose and get David’s Trophy. Read the back of the photo which Rose gave you. Then you have to look out for an AI program then listen to Rose again. After that, repair the AI program to find the password. Then go and find the holotape with the word negotiate in it. Now load the holotape then clear all the hostiles from the Mezzanine. At last, talk to Meg for the next mission.

The Elusive Crane

You first have to learn the fate of Crane and his treasure. Then follow Duchess and wake up Crane and kill him. Find Crane’s treasure then search his room for the cage code. Then find a way to open the cage door. Now loot the cage and speak with Duchess and, at last, deal with the Roper to proceed with the next mission.

Strength in Numbers

You have to track the guard here so for that tune-up the Pip-Boy Radio to transmitter signal, then search Gauley Mine. Then speak to the wounded man and find Polly. Wipeout Scorched and return back to Duchess and draw Polly Assaultron Head. Then place Polly in the Moonshine Jug and listen to the crew. After that, you have to attach sols transmitter to the pristine Assaltron Body. Return to Wayward and speak with Polly again and learn about Crane from Duchess.

Hunter for Hire

For this mission, you have to speak with Mort and read out the Plan of Crane Treasure Hunting. Now load the Broadcasting tape into the radio tower then learn the location of gang leader hideout. Report the location to Duchess, and now you have two choices wither kill or convince the Gang Leader. At last, talk to Duchess for the next plan.


Wayward Souls

To complete this, check the outside Vault and speak to Lacey then visit the Wayward. Now you have to deal with the attacker and talk to the bartender for further plans.


This was a complete walkthrough guide for Fallout 76: Wastelanders. The gamers who were confused about what to do next can follow this and enjoy the gameplay. We hope this guide was helpful to you. If you have any queries or feedback, feel free to comment down below with your Name and E-mail ID. Likewise, check out our iPhone Tips and Tricks, PC tips and tricks, and Android Tips and Tricks for more such tips and tricks. Thank You.