Bethesda is overhauling Fallout 76 as the online action multiplayer adds a brand new Survival Mode while shifting focus to a more competitive style of gameplay. Coming to Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC, Fallout 76’s Survival Mode is now in beta and hoping to offer a new set of challenges.

It’s been a rocky road for Fallout 76 as Bethesda’s expansive title failed to cash in on the success of the main Fallout series. Anyone still willing to explore the Wasteland will notice some huge changes to the way in which Fallout 76 works. With higher stakes and fewer restrictions when it comes to PvP combat, Bethesda is finally listening to the polarizing views of its fanbase.

Bethesda has unveiled Fallout 76’s 7.5 patch notes and the biggest update to the game since its release at the end of 2018. The notes reveal that players will now be tasked with weekly challenges and have the chance to earn legendary weaponry. Elsewhere, there are double Cap rewards, deductions for kills/death, players will drop a random amount of aid (alongside their junk) when dying, and a competitive scoreboard to see how other players are getting on. Anyone who is gunned own can spend their Caps to place a Bounty on their killer for a minimum of 200 Caps. Finally, respawn is limited to Vault 76, the player’s C.A.M.P., and Train Stations.

The changes mean that the previous mode is now referred to as Adventure Mode, compared to the more aggressive Survival Mode. Heading to the main menu, players are given the option of either Adventure of Survival Mode. Quests, levels, perks, and inventory travel between modes, as well as anything that affects a character in either mode.

Adventure Mode has also had a tweak, as “slap damage” from hostile players has been reduced to zero. Be warned though — returning fire will also mark characters as hostile and leave them open to full damage from enemies. Whichever way Fallout 76 players want to explore Bethesda’s apocalyptic world, they’re still free to roam Appalachia in a similar way.

The idea of Survival Mode introducing a scoreboard should make for some interesting changes in Fallout 76. Characters will be ranked on categories including Longest Life, Player Kills, XP Gained, Events Completed, Enemies Killed, Bounty Collected, Time Wanted, and Workshops Claimed. In particular, the top three players for Longest Life will be awarded Gold, Silver, or Bronze medals that will be displayed alongside their names. Combine this with the +20% XP bonus in Survival Mode and there are plenty of reasons to suit up and give Fallout 76 another shot.

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Source: Bethesda