Fallout 76’s Wastelanders update is finally officially coming April 7 - and it includes a game launch for Steam. This update has been a long time coming, with launch having been delayed from a planned launch in 2019, but players have a lot to look forward to in the Wastelanders update, which reintroduces many Fallout features that players feel have been missing from the game.

Until now, Fallout 76 has been lacking some crucial elements according to players. These include a choice and consequences system, faction reputations that are meaningful, and human NPCs. Prior to Wastelanders, the region once known as West Virginia was largely evacuated as the Scorched plague spread. With the vaccine’s creation, that particular danger has subsided, making humans a lot more willing to return to the area. Fallout 76 Wastelanders will introduce at least two major factions: the raiders and settlers. Players’ actions on behalf of each group will raise their reputation with those people - and, given the natural opposing nature of raiders and settlers, it can be assumed that many will lower reputation with the other faction. Faction reputations are tied to quest availability and faction vendor rewards.

On April 7, Bethesda will release Fallout 76 Wastelanders, which answers players’ call for many new features. Not only is the main questline revamped to accommodate the numerous changes to the world, but the update adds new locations like the Watoga Underground, a new main questline, and new wasteland enemies for vault dwellers to slaughter. After a delayed testing phase, the Fallout 76 Wastelanders patch has been in private beta since early January. Bethesda posted a new trailer, which showcases many of the new faces and some new enemies players will face.

Though Bethesda has locked many pay-to-win features like an unlimited stash box and a movable mini-CAMP behind its pricey Fallout 1st service, Wastelanders will be free to anyone who owns the base game. This is a nice surprise for players who were becoming concerned about the game’s conversion into a premium service. While the game is already available on PC, its launch on Steam will help it reach an expanded audience. However, players who move from the Bethesda launcher to Steam should be aware that while items transfer, atoms and the Fallout 1st membership do not.

Ever since its launch, Fallout 76 has been ravaged by game-breaking bugs and exploits, item duplication glitches, and more. As such, Bethesda’s first attempt at a multiplayer Fallout game has a lot of work to do with regard to restoring wastelanders’ confidence in the game. This is the first major content update in quite some time that hasn’t been tied to Fallout 76’s Nuclear Winter battle royale mode, so dedicated players have a lot to be excited about. If all goes well, this has the chance to reinvent the game in the eyes of potential players who have up until now shunned it.

Next: Bethesda Compensates Hacked Fallout 76 Players - Here’s How

Fallout 76 is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source: Bethesda