Here’s how to get into Harpers Ferry armory in Fallout 76. The Fallout series throws players into the role of a survivor of a nuclear war emerging from the safety of an underground vault and learning the hard way how to live in the new world. Players must explore a huge open-world map, battling raiders, mutant creatures and upgrading their skills and weaponry. The original Fallout was released back in 1997 but the franchise as it exists today looks quite different.

Once Bethesda Softworks (Skyrim) took over the franchise for 2008’s Fallout 3, which helped bring the series to a much wider audience, but the gameplay changes it brought irritated longtime fans of the original titles. Both the third game and 2015’s Fallout 4 received a broadly warm reception, though they were both criticized for various bugs and gameplay issues. In addition to the numbered titles, the series has also received spinoffs like Fallout: Brotherhood Of Steel and Fallout Shelter.

Bethesda’s most recent entry in the franchise Fallout 76 has been, to put it very mildly, divisive. The game is an online, multiplayer shooter that was roundly panned upon release for being extremely buggy, with many gamers finding it just plain dull to play. The title still has some fans who enjoy its post-apocalyptic wasteland, however, despite its many faults. Harpers Ferry is a town located in the Mire region of Fallout 76’s map which contains an armory with a lot of useful scrap and weaponry.

The honest way to access the Harpers Ferry armory is during the “Coming To Fruition” main quest. Take Abbie’s Master Holotape, travel to the armory and use it on the Armory Access Control Terminal outside, which will allow access. Fallout 76 is fill of traps, so beware the armory contains nasty turrets and flame traps. Players should snatch all the useful loot they come across on their way to the third building, which contains Raleigh’s Terminal. Insert the Master Holotape again for another message by Abbie that leads to the next objective

Of course, where there’s a will there’s a way in Fallout 76, so it’s possible to access the Harpers Ferry armory in other ways. Either hop on the terminal outside the armory, which will let players scurry into the armory with ease. Alternately, hopping on the fog condenser unit and over the fence will also allow access. The Harpers Ferry armory is worth visiting more than once in Fallout 76, so players should make use of it during any visit to the Mire.

Next: Ranking The Fallout Games, From Worst To Best