Fallout 4 provides a vast amount of side quests and collectibles on top of an engaging story and responsive first-person shooting combat. The game allows for an almost endless amount of exploration and side quests to engage in. Fans of the Fallout franchise will be right at home in the nuclear-devastated streets of Boston, with a huge wasteland to explore and become immersed in.

One of the staple collectibles in the Fallout series is the powerful bobblehead items. On top of being cute knick-knacks to place in your residency, the bobbleheads of the game provide powerful stat boosts to their respective skills. However, the 20 bobbleheads of the game can be difficult to find for even veteran Fallout players. This guide will provide the locations of each of these bobbleheads inside the world of Fallout 4.

Strength Bobblehead - Mass Fusion Building

This bobblehead is located inside the Mass Fusion Building and will be found on the second floor over top of the main lobby. You will see the bobblehead on top of a metal structure hanging over top of the desk inside the lobby.

Head to the metal structure and grab the bobblehead.

Sneak Bobblehead - Dunwich Borers

This item will be found in Dunwich Borers. The easiest way to find this item is to locate the area 4 sign inside this landmark. The bobblehead will be placed on a desk to the left of the sign.

Grab the bobblehead and continue your journey.

Small Guns Bobblehead - Gunners Plaza

This bobblehead will be found in Gunners Plaza. To find this bobblehead, go to the broadcaster’s room. Inside this room, you will find the bobblehead on the desk in the center of the room.

Grab the bobblehead and add it to your collection.

Unarmed Bobblehead - Atom Cats Garage

Head towards Atoms Cats Garage. Once at the location look for the main garage where you will find a rusted car. On the hood of this car, you will find the bobblehead in question.

Pick up the item and add it to your collection.

Science Bobblehead - Malden Middle School Inside Vault 75

The science bobblehead is located in Malden Middle School which doubles as a secret Vault Facility. Head to the diner facility located in the third level of the basement. You will find the bobblehead on a table in the diner area.

Grab the bobblehead and keep on trucking.

Repair Bobblehead - Corvega Assembly Plant

This bobblehead is housed withing Corvega Assembly Plant. To find this bobblehead, head to the outside walkway of the facility. This walkway will hang on the outside of the building. Walk south on this path and you will find the repair bobblehead at the edge of this walkway.

Perception Bobblehead - Museum of Freedom

This bobblehead is in the Museum of Freedom. This item will be in the same room that you met Preston above the main front doors of the building. Head upwards and find the room and the bobblehead will be on the desk in the room beside the computer.

Melee Bobblehead - Trinity Tower

The melee bobblehead is found at the very top of Trinity Tower inside the room in which Rex and Strong are held. The item will be placed on a workbench beside two red toolboxes.

Endurance Bobblehead - Poseidon Energy

The endurance bobblehead can be found in Poseidon Energy at the central metal hut. Just head inside where the bobblehead will be waiting on one of the metal desks.

Medicine Bobblehead - Vault 81

The medicine bobblehead is found in Vault 81 and is rather tricky to find. It will be hidden in the southeastern corner of the building inside Curie’s office. It will be placed beside the computer on the desk. This will require some preliminary work before you can enter the vault so be prepared to hand over 3 fusion cores to the overseer.

Speech Bobblehead - Park Street Station Inside Vault 114

This bobblehead is found in the overseer’s office of Park Street Station. This will be the room where Raiders will hold nick valentine hostage, it will be found on a desk in the middle of the room.

The lock pick bobblehead will be found in Pickman’s Gallery. It will be placed in front of a brick pillar in the same room you met Pickman. To the right of a burning trashcan.

Energy Weapon Bobblehead - Fort Hagen

The energy weapon bobblehead is located in Fort Hagen in the room where you will do battle with Kellog. Head to the Command Center and continue heading southwest to find the kitchen. The bobblehead will be placed between two refrigerators on top of a small table.

Charisma Bobblehead - Parsons State Insane Asylum

The charisma bobblehead is located in Jack Cabot’s office within Parsons State Insane Asylum. Head to the administrative area and find Jack’s office. The bobblehead will be placed on his desk.

Big Guns Bobblehead - Vault 95

The big guns bobblehead is found in the most northern room in the living quarters of Vault 95. Head to the room that is the most northern in the area and it will be placed on top of a radio on the table directly in front of the couch in the room.

Explosives Bobblehead - Saugus Ironworks

This item is found withing Saugus Ironwork. Make your way to the blast furnace area and you will find a steamer trunk. Inside this trunk, you will find the explosives bobblehead.

Barter Bobblehead - Longneck Lukowski’s Cannery

Head to Longneck Lukowski’s Cannery. Once inside head to the upper level of the building and towards the most northwestern area. Here you will find a shack, inside of which will be a series of computers where the bobblehead will be placed on top of.

Intelligence Bobblehead - Boston Public Library

The Intelligence bobblehead ead is found in Boston Public Library inside the Mechanical room. This room is in the northwest corner of the library. The bobblehead will be placed on top of the computer inside the mentioned room.

Agility Bobblehead - Wreck of the FMS Northern Star

This item is found in the Wreck of the FMS Northern Star landmark. Find the wrecked ship and head to its bow. Here on the plank, you will find the agility bobblehead.

Luck Bobblehead - Spectacle Island

The final bobblehead is found on Spectacle Island. Look for the green boat found on the island and head inside. You will find a steamer trunk and beside it a set of lockers. The luck bobblehead will be inside of the locker.

More: GIVEAWAY: Win A Prize Pack of Fallout Collectibles From Chronicle!

Fallout 4 is available on PS4, Xbox One and PC.