Chances are if you’ve spent any time on Facebook you’ve got your game down there, as a user. It’s become a cultural norm for many of us, after all: You share videos of your families’ charming antics, post inspirational pics of your victories, share your troubles, and likely more than a few hilarious memes. You’ve got hundreds of friends, you take your ridiculous number of post likes for granted, and responding to the staggering number of birthday well-wishers each year is becoming somewhat of a chore. You know what to say to people without thinking twice, and you know how to interact with your friends without the worry about whether or not it’s going to pay off in the future. Because it’s Facebook. And we’ve all been there together… forever. But when it comes to marketing via your Facebook business page, maybe you’re feeling like the fish out of water, looking for direction, a solid plan, and a strategy on how to gain a whole school of dynamic and engaged brand followers. You guessed it, you’ve come to the right place.  

  There’s no discounting the need for your business to have a vibrant and original personality on the Facebook platform. With over one billion users logging in daily worldwide and with Facebook claiming ownership of 77% of all social logins, and despite recent backlash in the news of the manner in which they handle all that user glory, Facebook is not likely to be going anywhere but up in the coming future. It doesn’t matter what you sell or how you sell it; your business and your bottom line can prosper with the help of Facebook marketing. But, how to create a page that will attract visitors, drive them to your website, and turn them into leads? How do you optimize your floundering Facebook presence?

Three Facebook Marketing Tips to Help You:

Tip 1: Write the Perfect Post

Yes, perfect. A post that takes a little time and forethought, a post that gets likes, clicks and shares, a post that connects you to your target audience, a post that:

Includes a link Is less than 40 characters (remember that your audience has the attention span of a goldfish) Is published during non-peak hours (currently between 1 pm and 3 pm) Is reliable & regularly scheduled Is relevant to current events/happenings

Devoting effort to a thoughtfully-crafted post that focuses on content and timing will undoubtedly result in more clicks, likes and shares. This is definitely one of the most important Facebook marketing tips to take into consideration.

Tip 2: Set Your Page up Right

Don’t phone it in. Your business page is your opportunity to inspire current and future followers. Make it unique, make it yours, and make it sell. At the very least it should: Display professional, high-resolution cover and profile pictures. Include a call to action button such as “book now,” “buy now,” “subscribe now,” etc. Pen a well-written and engaging ‘About’ section. But not too long! Remember goldfish attention spans. Make use of the Pinned Post. This can be your best selling product, promotional deal or most popular post to date. Facebook allows you to “pin” this specific post to the top of your page so that it is the first thing to come up in your feed. These simple, yet necessary Facebook advertising tips are the basic building blocks of a professional business page. [clickToTweet tweet=”Learn everything about #Facebook #marketing: we’ve got a few easy #tips to get you started. #Plann #SocialMedia ” quote=”When it comes to marketing your Facebook Business Page, maybe you’re feeling like the fish at the end of that Faith No More video. “]

Tip 3: Try and Try Again

If your current tone isn’t getting a ton of play, try switching it up. Try posting at different times of the day. Try posting seven times a week, rather than just three. Try inspirational quotes, try videos, try asking questions, running contests. Try, try, and try again. Eventually, you will find that niche, that sweet spot, that cool water that has you feeling like a Facebook marketing shark. Okay, so you’ve got the basics for page set-up. Your images look good, you’re telling a compelling story, you’re “pinned” in all the right places and you’ve catalogued a whole cache of usable content that you’re sure will have followers eating out of your hands. We told that these facebook marketing tips are easy! Now it’s time to really home in on your target audience for maximum marketing potential, and with their targeted advertising campaigns, Facebook makes it pretty easy to do just that. Facebook offers enough ad types to make your head spin. But our favorites in 2018 are definitely these 3:

These ads have the appearance of a shared article, with the added bonus of being linkable to your landing page. To really get the best bang for your buck your link ads should include a captivating visual, a brief description of what makes your product or service so great, and a call to action button. The entire ad becomes the link, and voila! Your targeted demographic is now your trusting follower.

2. Video Ads

We all know that videos are where it’s at these days in terms of social media marketing, and video ads harness that knowledge in an in-your-face format that you’ll make hard to pass up to any scrolling viewer. Two things to remember when creating a video ad are length and content. You’ve got just seconds to first capture the attention of the scrolling viewer, and then just a minute to sustain it. For this reason, you want to take the time to create a video that maximizes the initial hook potential and then tells your marketing story in a way that will hold them and make them believers. Videos are a fantastic way to showcase your creativity, leave the viewer wanting more, and to tell your whole story in an eye-catching format. Insider tip: finish off your video with a call to action in order to show verifiable ROI. Your Ultimate Cheat Sheet: How To Set Up Shopping On Socials Learn how to get set up to make sales via your socials!

A broad approach to product advertising, the carousel ad allows you to compile ten mini ads in one pretty package that showcase the interests of your target audience. Each miniature ad has the potential for video or picture content, and carousels past the viewer as they swipe from one to the other. The idea here is to present a lot of information, encourage interaction and turn interest into commerce with a click. Consider displaying your content in such a way that it tells a story and encourages your potential customer to swipe all the way to the end. The real beauty of Facebook ads is the power they give you (the marketer) to target your intended audience. The possibilities, combinations, and specificity are pretty much endless. You can target based on location, by zip code, city, or state. You can target a certain relationship status, birth month, age, job type, or education level. You can even target to a specific interest. Let’s say for example that you sell aquarium supplies, you can enter “fish enthusiast” in the interests field and your ad will be visible to all the fish lovers within your chosen location. With that kind of power, the sky really is the limit!


The plethora of Facebook promotional options continues to grow and the flexibility afforded within those options continues to impress. No matter what service or product you sell, Facebook has a budget-friendly marketing option that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. We agree that it can take some time and effort to find the perfect combination to win your audience, but anything worth doing requires dedication. We believe that Facebook marketing is most certainly worth the effort. We hope that our list of tips has given you a solid direction in which to start, and the inspiration to make it happen.