Facebook has always preferred Android devices for their lite version of Facebook, which is obvious as Android is the most popular device used overseas, mainly where data is available in high rates and the consumer’s still are using their old devices. So, obviously, it’s sensible.

Now, Facebook is planning to bring the lite version for the iOS devices. According to reports in the lite version will be packed with a lot of features.

Basically, the lite version was made for consumers living in developing countries as here Internet connection is not that reliable. But, over time even countries with 24×7 LTE data connection, consumers prefer the lite version as it consumes less data, so now Facebook has decided to bring the lite version for the iOS devices as well.

The Facebook lite version takes barely 5 MB data to download and it uses minimal bandwidth, battery and takes less space in your device.

Yes, for now, looks like the lite version is available only in Turkey, that also on test mode. Facebook is well known for launching new features in the select country is so they can collect data and evaluate before the big launch of the feature. So this is no big issue. Rest, for now, on the help page of Facebook it does say the lite version of Facebook is available in ‘Select’ regions.

The Facebook lite version was released for Android devices back in 2015 and by 2016 they already had more than 100 million users. The lite version became available in America just earlier this year.

Facebook also has the tendency to stay along if not ahead of its competitors. Hence, in terms of the lite version with Twitter, Skype, and YouTube having lite versions, Facebook definitely had to make its move for Android devices.
