I’m taking this with a pinch of salt at this time, but speculation that Apple may be on the verge of making a hugely important acquisition are just beginning to cross financial market news wires this morning. These rumors follow weekend reports that Apple may be planning to make a bid for Facebook — though Facebook has reportedly rejected such assertions. Financial wires are reporting that market speculation now claims Apple could be on the verge of acquiring Adobe Systems, Sony or even Walt Disney! This follows reports in 2006 which also claimed Apple may be interested in purchasing Disney. However there was no strength to these claims. Apple CEO Steve Jobs also sits on Disney’s board and is the biggest individual shareholder in Disney, following the Pixar acquisition. That Apple is in the mood for investing in new technologies and streategic partnerships is pretty clear — after all, the company now has former Goldman Sachs investment banker, Adrian Pericaa man who is tasked with looking into such deals full-time. With $51 billion in its war chest and a market value that rates Apple as the biggest company in the US, Steve Jobs and his executives can think the unthinkable when it comes to making an acquistion. Though it is unlikely they’ll make any moves unless they provide clear and swift strategic advantage.