An exclusive clip for next week’s episode of Into the Badlands previews an epic battle between Sunny (Daniel Wu) and the Black Lotus. The clip may also be our first look at Sunny’s sister, a character whose identity is one of the season’s biggest mysteries.

In February, AMC announced that Into the Badlands would end after season 3. Following a long hiatus, the post-apocalyptic martial arts series finally returned at the end of March, and will conclude in May. The remaining episodes of Into the Badlands will tie up Sunny’s battle with Pilgrim (Babou Ceesay). Recent episodes have introduced a new threat in the form of a group called the Black Lotus, who share deep ties to Sunny’s mysterious and troubled past.

AMC has shared an exclusive clip of next Monday’s episode, “Black Lotus, White Rose,” with Screen Rant. The clip reveals that Sunny was captured by the Black Lotus following the fight at the end of this week’s episode. During the clip, a female Black Lotus warrior who possesses the Gift frees Sunny, and a bloody battle ensues in classic Into the Badlands fashion. Together, Sunny, Bajie (Nick Frost), and the woman fight off the Black Lotus and their leader, Magnus (Francis Magee).

The identity of Sunny’s new ally could serve as a major turn of events for the series. Sunny recently learned that he has an older sister, but has no idea who or where she is. All he knows is that she helped save him from the Black Lotus when he was a child, and aided in Sunny and Pilgrim’s escape from the city of Azra. Since only four episodes remain in season 3, it would make sense for her to make an appearance soon.

The clip also drops an important reveal regarding the fate of a key character. Monday’s episode ended on a cliffhanger with Magnus stabbing Bajie in the chest. Bajie’s fate was left uncertain, but the clip confirms that the character somehow survives, which is interesting because Bajie doesn’t appear to be injured at all.

Sunny will of course need all the allies he can get for the battles to come. After attacking the Monastery and waking up dozens of Dark Ones, Pilgrim has secured a powerful army, making him even more dangerous than before. However, Pilgrim may not even be Sunny’s greatest threat. Instead, the Black Lotus may be the real villains of season 3.

More: Why Into The Badlands Was Cancelled (Despite Being Amazing)

Into the Badlands season 3 continues Monday, April 15th on AMC.